Wednesday, January 31, 2018

January: A Month in Review

Goal: Feed the family on $2 per person, per day. For January, that works out to $217.00 in groceries.

Actual Spending: $216.99. You can see how it was spent here. I have $.01 leftover, and that's as close as I've ever come to my budget!

What worked:
  • Bringing home leftovers from a work party, a neighbor's orange tree dropping fruit in our yard, and hosting a potluck where friends left the leftovers, gave us a week of lunches and snacks for free. 
  • I also did several mystery shops for free meals out. 
  • I bought a ham on clearance after Christmas and used that for quite a few meals. 
  • Packing lunches! It is so much easier to stay on track when meals are ready to grab and go. 
  • We had an extra kid for the first week, so our budget covered one extra tummy this month.
  • I spent $17 on seeds, which will make a great garden in the spring but doesn't add anything to our pantry right now. 
Plans for Next Month: 
  • With 28 days in February, my budget is $196.01 for the month.
  • I ordered 40 lb of chicken through Zaycon Fresh, which will be arriving at the end of March (and the expense counted in that month.) We need to make room in the freezer for it; namely, we need to eat the turkey that's taking up a quarter of the room. 
  • I'm running low on some of the staple dry goods we keep on hand, so I'll need to take a trip over WinCo while visiting my mom in February. I'll take you along for sugar, rice, and oatmeal in bulk bins! 
  • Ducky is turning 6 in February. Last year, she wanted pancakes as her birthday treat. Fingers crossed that she hasn't developed more expensive tastes in the last year. :) 

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