Saturday, January 13, 2018

Free Food? Fabulous!

Few things make my budget happier than free.

Today, we hosted a catered event at work, and the leftover salad with dressing, baba ghanoush, veggies, a tiny bit of gyro meat, moussaka, and tahini are heading home with me this evening. We'll enjoy the salad and moussaka for dinner, and the veggies week be added to lunches for the next week. Tahini sauce will go into homemade hummus. Yum!

While I was at work one day last week, my spouse was home with the kids and a neighbor began trimming their orange tree. Overloaded with oranges, a few branches fell into our yard. He offered to help remove branches in exchange for the fruit. This is what's left after a week of voracious orange eating. They are so sweet and juicy!

We obviously don't rely on free to feed us, but these little extras now and then sure are a treat we enjoy!

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